L: Define Brooklyn Beauty
CB: Brooklyn Beauty? Being hungover, not having showered & still looking fabulous at brunch. Sort of a messy-pulled-togetherishness that isn't contrived-- because you're too hungover to invest that much time in your appearance, yet you don't want to wander into bag lady territory.
L: What are your makeup staples this winter?
CB: my makeup staples this winter are face moisturizer, Neutrogena eye cream that my mom passive-aggressvely gave me, body lotion, and as many non-powdery based substances as possible. My skin is a shitshow like EVERY winter and unfortunately, I haven't found any way to stop it. But I guess the things I've mentioned semi- help.
L: It's a Snow day, I'm probably listening to?
CB: Ha, it IS a snow day today actually. I'm definitely listening to Fleet Foxes, Nina Simone, Sondre Lerche, Iron & Wine, Bon Iver, Billie Holliday, and because I'm thinking of someone today on his flight to Asia, Coconut Records "West Coast." Cheese!
L: How do you keep your hair so fresh at 30 degrees?
CB: More like how do I avoid drying my hair in 5-30 degree weather? I've been going to the gym a lot & letting my hair dry naturally & laying off the flat iron for half of each week. I also alternately use 2 Frederick Fekkai shampoos-- the olive oil one & the shea butter one. I guess the olive oil one for all the other seasons & then the shea butter one for most of winter. Also, I use some Fekkai olive oil gloss stuff post-shower and to touch up that helps too.
L: What's the best piece of recession beauty advice you can give?
CB: Buy stuff that lasts a long time-- even though I've been foolishly buying Stila concealer lately, MAC concealer lasts way, way longer. Mixing lipglosses & lipstick colors can make it feel like you've bought new colors...though this can backfire into wanting to actually buy the color you've created. Oh, and don't ever buy expensive mascara-- they're seriously all the fucking same, so just buy the Maybelline green & pink kind. ANNNND, don't buy any skin product that reeks of pseudoscience-- half that shit doesn't do SHIT.
L: My current makeup hero is?
CB: This is lame, but Zooey Deschanel is my makeup hero, only because we have similar coloring--pale skin, very dark hair-- and she always manages to look fresh, not overly-made up, but you can totally tell she has makeup on at the same time.
I have a complex about being pale during the winter and sometimes have a tendency to OD on bronzer, and I feel like I shouldn't be so ashamed of paleness. So, Zooey is my go-to person on pale pride for dark haired girls.
( come to think about it .. you two do look similar!)