Now presenting the long waiting Fashion's Night Out exclusive, the Chanel Khaki collection ( well, 1/3 of it). On September 10th, amidst the hoopla of FNO and a sighting by Rafael Nadal on 52nd street. I waltzed into Saks Fifth Avenue to scoop out the collection after my journey to Chanel's Madison Ave location. Saks had all three polishes in stock but no testers, so I picked up Khaki Vert ( swatches coming soon) and Khaki Brun. After my purchases I headed to Washington Square to meet up with the girls and share my FNO purchase. Everyone came to the consensus after comparing the polishes that Khaki Brun was an instant fave.
Why? Khaki Vert is army green and I think its harder to pull off than Jade green unless you are wearing warmer tones. I currently have Khaki Vert on my toes and while it complements my tone, I heel like its not an "everyday" nail color to sport- but then again remember when Jade had this dilemma? Since I wear more black on occasion, Jade gives my nails its "pop" needed.
But I digress, Khaki Brun is an earthy stone medium brown with a touch of mossy green that is about 3 touches deeper than Particuliere, which is currently my color of the year.
Khaki Brun is a bit more forgiving whether you are wearing a warm or cool tones, so my black and white ensembles aren't instantly put-off by the color.
Khaki Rose was a challenge for me because upon seeing the color, I thought of terracotta wall paper reminiscent of an old house that I grew up in.
Anyway, this FNO surprise by Chanel was great in all its glory, It reminded me of the Paris Vogue issue that was devoted to the military trend with Rose Cordero on the cover ( March 2010). However, I think the Chanel Soho collection was a better fit for Fashion's Night Out theme- both Strong and Steel , sadly I was not able to get ahold of .
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