Sunday, May 1, 2011

Skincare on the go: Purederm Mask


A lesson learned from skincare and time constraint, is that we must compromise! And if that means putting on my mask while cleaning the bathroom, checking email and doing research on products, then so be it!
When I was a teen, I was doing a beauty night but had to run an errand with my mom. I ended up going out at night with my Queen Helen Mint Julep mask on and completely forgot that it was on my face! Needless to say, I got tons of stares by drivers and their passengers. Another lesson, never wear a mask too long! After the hour journey, in washing my face, my skin was beyond dry, it was saharan desert.
Fast forward to a beauty party hosted by my friends Thy and Soda, a fete that included cookies, wine and Purederm masks that we picked up at Forever 21 for $1.80!
The peel-away aloe masks are made with cloth like fiber and have enough solution to instantly cool your skin and you only need 20 minutes for your skin to feel smooth. No messing with rinsing or worrying about covering your sink with clay or oatmeal.

You can find these at Forever21 stores. Unfortunately, they are not available on their website.

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