Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween DIY

 I hope all my east-coasties are doing well and are recovering from the wrath of Sandy. This natural disaster was no joke. I hunkered down in Brooklyn to winds that roared like a freight train for at least a day and a half, while downtown and the LES are powerless and surrounded by water. I'm fortunate to be safe but am still shell-shocked. 

This afternoon I ventured to Atlantic Ave and saw tons of cute kids in costume. It was great to see kids having a great time despite the circumstances. I thought, heh, since my original plans fell through ( I will save my costume for another time- it was great!), why not share a Halloween shoot I had the opportunity to do with Refinery 29 and Make Up For Ever, Halloween DIY.

I was made over to look like Azealia Banks and had so much fun at the shoot! Here is a sneak peak photo and the rest can be seen here: 3 Thrilling, Chilling Halloween Makeup DIY's

So what's on my plate? a full course load, class projects, club events, etc. but I'm going to do my best to keep bringing you the swatches, reviews and product chats that you crave.

xo Lacroix


DeeDee said...

Omg! Loved the lay out. You pulled of the look perfectly

Lacroix said...

Thank you DeeDee!