In the left corner, we have YSL's Touche Eclat. Tested and approved by all Beauty Editors and Beauty buffs alike. Its easy application and coverage makes this a great highlighter and concealer. Pronounced- "Toosh Eh Claw" and currently has 4 shades.

In the right corner, we have MAC Cosmetic's Studio Lights. This wand was introduced last year as part of the Catherine Deneuve collection, went into hiding and emerged with some friends (5 in total).
They both have the same function- making you flawless. But not all products that claim the same are made or more-less treated the same.
User-Friendliness- goes to YSL, the brush applicator is great for on the go. I like MAC's doe-foot applicator but it reminds me of their other products...say lipglass?
Shade Selection- Hands down MAC. Plus they are readily available at all the counters. I heard that YSL doesn't readily stock their #4's. I think that if they did- Beauties of color would have a chance to try something great. On another note- since the Studio Lights are Limited Edition- stock up before the end of the year.
Consistency- YSL is a bit more opaque and quite thick for a highlighter concealer, though you get great coverage from Studio Lights.. this one is a tie.
Price- MAC. You can't beat .17 ml, $14.50 for Studio Lights compared to .1 oz, $39.50 for Touche Eclat.
Winner- M.A.C
AWESOME review! I was thinking about getting the touche eclat, but now that you've given Studio Lights the green light in comparison (and i have a gift certificate i'm in the market to use), I'll definitely check it out.
thanks quarter crisis life!
Opague concealer is not recommended by MA. It will accent the lines under your eyes or forehead since it is too thick or heavy.
Moisturzing and light concealers are women best friends, since when moisturized skin becomes more flexible.
Remember in reality you can't totally conceal the lines you have. You can just make it "Look" lighter. The more you cover, the more the lines are obvious. Only botox or facelifting will do. So makeup is just 20% there to help you
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