Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Heidi- No

Victoria's Secret released the Heidi Klum Very Sexy Makeup collection today.
Unfortunately for me- I tested it yesterday.
The consensus, Heidi NO. Unless you want to look like you are impersonating drag, the glitter, shimmer and frost is a no. And even if you were going the drag route, you would probably not want to mess with a chunky giltter liner like this one- its destined to ruin your corneas. The lipstick is tacky and the only thing going for this collection is the eye pallete.. then again, the company forgot that they released one just like this but under another name.
Heidi why? You know you don't wear this junk, so why are you trying to sell it? Please stick to your print, runway, Project Runway and musical talents- I loved the holiday album.
Victoria's Secret- Why didn't you make a Giselle Very Sexy Makeup collection before you let her contract expire/
I would have preferred beachy to queeny anyday.
pic: bellasugar

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