Trying to awaken and revive your skin when you have little to no sunlight during the week and the arctic blast of 20 degree wind at your face is an uphill battle due to the elements.
Luckly, I came across Ren's Glycolatic Skin Renewal Peel Mask just before I started to give up on this whole " spring is just around the corner" dream.
Truth told, this is the best smelling mask I have ever encountered! As soon as I twisted the cap and squeezed a dime-sized test of it, the smell was so fruity, spicy, familiar. I stopped and said to myself, " this isn't edible right?". Ren's mask smells like a mango tamarind lollipop!
When I applied the mask to my face, all I can smell is the tropical spicy that came from the peel and it was just what was needed.
Ren's Glycolatic Skin Mask is free of parabens, sulfates, petrochemicals and synthetics ( still wouldn't recommend eating). Despite it being free of all of the nasties, the mask will renew your complexion, reduce lines and improve skin-tone, firmness and radiance ( YES!).
I absolutely loved this product and would definitely recommend it for those who need a break from the winter chill. I also have to say that it did not disturb my oily/sensitive skin. The only puzzling thing about the product was that it is labeled "peel mask" though you need to wash it off after ten minutes of settling-in the skin. There should be more clarification around that.
disclaimer: product was purchased by me with the intent to review and use.
Hi, I have a question. Is this cheaper that other peel mask in the market? How much effective is this on face? Wanna try it.
Good Morning Bryan!
I would say that this mask is not on the cheap (its $55) but you can get the most "bang for your buck", so to speak. If you use it as a once a week treatment, a little can go a long way!
I really like this mask, though it doesn't peel, you rinse it off.
My suggestion if you are interested in trying it out but are unsure of the price or effectiveness- go to a store and request a sample. In this case, I bought this REN face peel from Sephora.
Let me know how if works for you!
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