The future is now and apparent. No, we don’t have commercial use for flying cars but fashion and beauty has put the “ Future Phenom” into its spotlight. It can be seen in cinema for example films like Blade Runner, Back to the Future and Metropolis. Most recently we’ve seen it when we met and fell in love with Louis Vuitton’s Peter pan dress from Spring ’03, Balenciaga’s R2D2 leggings from Spring ’07 and Hussein Chalayan’s Electronic Dress(es).
Campaigns are turning into climate change, warmth and recognizing a “future” that involves adaptation and science. LV’s 2004 ads with Karen, Amber, Liya, Angela and Naomi all in the desert, vivid color and blatantly hot. Diesel’s present campaign is all about global warming with shots of adverse events due to weather changes. If Darwin were alive- who would he think would survive?
A friend of mine who is of asian decent tells me she used to play in the sun as a youngster and not get burned.. now 20 years later, she can’t leave the house without sunscreen. How many people in the past have slathered oil on and “laid-out” now have to come to the fact that skin cancer is a risk or can’t leave the house without a hat or something to protect them from the sun?
Global warming is a threat to us all but poses a higher risk the lighter your skin is. I have dark skin and when I get some sun I tan and then it goes away. When I go to the beach and see people “ burn” to achieve color or go to the tanning salons. I think quietly “ Maybe its just not meant to be?”
I feel like this is all apart of evolution. While me may or may not be able to change the climate conditions with Global Warming, we can continue to do our part to conserve what we have. Science can help in this case, with new formulas to shield from Toxins, UV rays and other environmental damages. Until then wear your sunscreen ( and in about 10 years.. moon screen) and as Olay says “ Love the skin you are in”.